A comprehensive dataset for aspect-based sentiment analysis in evaluating teacher performance

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Abhijit Bhowmik
Noorhuzaimi Mohd Noor
Md. Saef Ullah Miah
Md. Mazid-Ul-Haque
Debajyoti Karmaker


Teacher performance evaluation is an essential task in the field of education. In recent years, aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) has emerged as a promising technique for evaluating teaching performance by providing a more nuanced analysis of student evaluations. This article presents a novel approach for creating a large-scale dataset for ABSA of teacher performance evaluation. The dataset was constructed by collecting student feedback from American International University-Bangladesh and then labeled by undergraduate-level students into three sentiment classes: positive, negative, and neutral. The dataset was carefully cleaned and preprocessed to ensure data quality and consistency. The final dataset contains over 2,000,000 student feedback instances related to teacher performance, making it one of the largest datasets for ABSA of teacher performance evaluation. This dataset can be used to develop and evaluate ABSA models for teacher performance evaluation, ultimately leading to better feedback and improvement for educators. The results of this study demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of ABSA in evaluating teacher performance and highlight the importance of creating high-quality datasets for this task.

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How to Cite
A. Bhowmik, Noorhuzaimi Mohd Noor, Md. Saef Ullah Miah, Md. Mazid-Ul-Haque, and Debajyoti Karmaker, “A comprehensive dataset for aspect-based sentiment analysis in evaluating teacher performance”, AJSE, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 200 - 213, Aug. 2023.