Impact of Si and GaAs as Semiconductor Materials: Designing to Application-Level Comparison
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The semiconductor industry has been making life easier by providing loads of electronic devices. With the advancement of technology, electronic devices need to be updated. This gradual upgradation has led the industry towards nanotechnology. The study is to provide an analytical comparison of the impact of Si and GaAs as semiconductor materials in designing 3D density gradient nanowire MOSFETS. The model has been designed and evaluated on the basis of the characteristics curve and transconductance range. The drain current in the Id-Vg and Id-Vd curve for GaAs used model is higher than the Si used model by about 10 times which is useful for analog applications. The threshold voltage for both models is 0.7V. Besides that, the electron concentration forming a potential well of the depth of about 104 for GaAs used material than the model made using Si as material. In the case of AC analysis, the transconductance range for the model using GaAs is almost double of the model designed using Si. Later on, the extracted data from the curves have been utilized to generate model and library files. Finally, an inverter circuit and biasing circuit have been designed with models where the output of the inverter circuit perfectly works. The frequency response curve generated using the biasing circuit showed the cut-off frequency of the GaAs used model is 10MegaHz whereas it is 1MegaHz for Si used model.
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