Solar and Wind Energy Based Microgrid : Study of Architecture's Potential at Coastal Areas in Bangladesh

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Abir Muhtadi
Ahmed Mortuza Saleque
Mohammad Abdul Mannan


Due to sheer dependency upon fossil fuel sources, Bangladesh as a country is not free from numerous negative aspects. Country’s requirement for a certain portion of power be generated from renewable energy sources is due and required renewable energy target (RET) needs to be fulfilled. In this study, potential of distinguished coastal sites for entirely renewable energy such as solar and wind sources based microgrid for chosen community is explored. Microgrid architecture is appropriate considering the coastal areas’ geographical locations and due to the inconvenience in grid extension. Study suggests, potential of coastal sites are found to be feasible for such structures based on real case scenario data and modelled technical scheme.

Article Details

How to Cite
A. Muhtadi, A. M. Saleque, and M. A. Mannan, “Solar and Wind Energy Based Microgrid : Study of Architecture’s Potential at Coastal Areas in Bangladesh”, AJSE, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 31 - 36, Jul. 2018.
Author Biographies

Ahmed Mortuza Saleque

Ahmed Mortuza Saleque was born in Bogra, Bangladesh in 1989. He received
Bachelor Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from American International University, Bangladesh in 2010. In the same year he joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) as Lecturer. He received Master of Engineering in Telecommunications from American International University-Bangladesh in 2012. Both in his Bachelor and Master’s, he received the prestigious Summa Cum Laude distinction.
From 2013 to 2015, he was awarded Erasmus Mundus scholarship for Master’s program. He received joint Master degree in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems (EMMC-STEPS) from University of Wisconsin Madison, USA, University of Nottingham, UK, University of Oviedo, Spain and University of Rome, Italy.
He was Visiting Scholar at the Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium (WEMPEC), University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, in 2015. His research interests include Electric Drives, Deadbeat Direct Torque and Field Oriented Control (DB-DTFC), Power Electronics, Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology, Digital Control and Signal Processing.

Mohammad Abdul Mannan

Mohammad Abdul Mannan was born in Laxmipur, Bangladesh on January 01, 1975. He received his B. Sc. Eng. Degree from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET former BITR), Bangladesh, in 1998, and Masters of Eng. and Dr. of Eng. degrees from Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2003 and 2006 respectively, all in electrical engineering. He then joined in the American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) as an Assistant professor on May 2006. Currently he is serving as Professor and Head (Undergraduate Program), EEE Dept. in AIUB. His research interests include electric motor drive, power electronics, power system, wind generation system and control of electric motor, power electronic converters, power system, and wind generation system.

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