Researches in Effluence and Environmental flow of Turag River – a review
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Articles regarding water pollution of Turag river have been reviewed and compiled as a review paper from various published articles of international reputed journals annual/environmental reports of recognized organization and e-books. Besides, this work finds the interpretation of data and discussions published in different research papers. The water of Turag river is not fit for washing, underwater life and domestic supply because of the sever effect of the release of untreated industrial and domestic effluents. The water quality of Turag river. A wide range of contaminants are continuously introduced into the Turag river and their toxicity is a problem of increasing significance for ecological, evolutionary, and environmental reasons. The prevailing condition of the river is of serious concern, and there is an urgent need to take strict measures to ensure cleansing of the river and prevent further contamination. This review work provides views and proposals to explain the assessment of water pollution of river water.
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