Investigating Students’ Adoption and Usage Behavior of Educational Technology(EduTech) at Tertiary Level (PLS-SEM Approach)
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This study sought to examine students’ behavioral intention to use EduTech (Educational Technology) at the tertiary level education in Bangladesh. Using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model as a base theory, the study attempted to explore the determinants that are swaying students’ intention to adopt EduTech in Bangladesh. A total of one-hundred and forty-nine respondents were chosen randomly from three faculties of AIUB such as Business administration, Engineering and Science, were finally provided with the structured and self-administrated questionnaires followed by brief instructions to fill out the questionnaire. Moreover, collected data were encoded into SPSS for descriptive analysis such as demographic analysis, while SEM simulation, namely SMART PLS 2.0 was employed to analyze reliability and to test the hypotheses stated. Result of the study confirmed that the adoption and the usage behavior of EdTech at the tertiary level is highly influenced by Effort Expectancy, Facilitating Condition, and Perceived Behavioral Control. Findings of the study could be an important outline for educators, EduTech vendors, and service providers for formulating effective adoption strategies with regard to EduTech resources.
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