Performance Analysis of Modulation Response of a Designed 1550 nm Oxide Confined Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser

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Md. Sajid Hossain
Dewan Mohammed Abdul Ahad


This paper aims to present the impact of using oxidized layer and the effect of oxide aperture size on VCSEL’s modulation performance. After the introduction of oxidized layer, the characteristics of VCSEL have improved immensely, especially in modulation performance. The peak material gain of Al0.06Ga0.24In0.70As/InP MQW VCSEL found from the MATLAB simulation tools has been utilized for investigating the modulation characteristics of the laser model. The optical output power of 27.23 dBm is found at 2.5 mA of current injection. Later, by varying the injection current up to 2.5 mA a maximum frequency of resonance of 10.75 GHz and the equivalent -3dB cut off frequency of 11.85 GHz are achieved. It is seen that with the reduction of oxide aperture size and increase of injection current, the frequency of resonance in addition to the -3dB cut off frequency of the laser increases. The use of oxidized layer and impact of aperture size effect on VCSEL’s -3dB cut off frequency.

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How to Cite
M. S. Hossain and D. M. A. Ahad, “Performance Analysis of Modulation Response of a Designed 1550 nm Oxide Confined Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser”, AJSE, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 83 - 88, Nov. 2018.

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