Planning for Blue Economy: Prospects of Maritime Spatial Planning in Bangladesh

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Kawshik Saha
Afsana Alam


Over the years, there has been a growing concern to adopt new strategies for sustainable marine resource management. Coastal countries are implementing new policies, methods and plans to develop long term vision and secure financial investments for their coastal and marine spaces. Recently maritime spatial planning (MSP) is gaining attention as a new approach to sustainable marine resource management by integrating economic, environmental and social concerns is same management platform. In many countries, MSP has been proved as an effective tool to implement ecosystem based approach of planning to achieve long term maritime vision. Bangladesh, with growing economic interest on coastal and marine resources, is looking to adopt best strategies for achieving blue economy goals. However, degrading ocean health due to anthropogenic pressure and impact of climate change are major challenges that need to be faced. This paper explores implication of Maritime Spatial Planning for ocean resource management to achieve blue economy goals and overcome future environmental constraints as well. The authors aim to introduce maritime spatial planning (MSP) as potential tool for sustainable marine resource management to wide range of researchers, professionals working with coastal and marine issues in Bangladesh to encourage further research and exploration.

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How to Cite
K. Saha and A. Alam, “Planning for Blue Economy: Prospects of Maritime Spatial Planning in Bangladesh”, AJSE, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 59 - 66, Jul. 2018.

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