Environmental Dynamics in the Technology Adaptation of Digital Supply Chain for Bangladesh’s Readymade Garments Sector
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The study aims to investigate the challenges of technology adoption in the Digital Supply Chain (DSC) of the Readymade Garment (RMG) business, focusing on environmental barriers. The study utilizes the T-O-E framework to examine a sample of 380 participants, consisting of owners and top managers from RMG facilities. The data is analyzed using PLS-SEM Modeling with the aid of SmartPLS4 software. It examines the complex interrelationships between competitive pressure, consumer, external support, stakeholder networks, environmental concerns, and technology adoption within the digital supply chain of the RMG industry. The technology adoption is substantially influenced by environmental conditions, particularly regarding the alignment with customers. The analysis of mediation sheds light on the significance of the environment in both partial and complete mediation, as it exerts influence on competitive pressures, customer involvement, external support, and stakeholder networks. Comprehending this interrelationship is crucial for making well-informed business and policy formulation decisions. organizations must incorporate environmental factors into their strategic decision-making processes, ensuring sustainable technologies are adopted. Policymakers can employ these findings to implement environmentally sustainable policies, promoting innovation within the RMG sector. These measures guarantee the long-term viability of the industry and promote ecological accountability.
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