Efficiency Improvement Analysis for Recent High-Efficient Solar Cells
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The entire electricity demand of the whole earth, can be theoretically satisfied by harnessing the unlimited photon energy of the alpha source, the sun. Absorbing the solar power in a full efficient way is still on progress, due to the limitation of our solar cell technology. On commercial aspects, it is also promising but not up to the mark. Recent high efficient solar cell still leaves more space to improve the cell efficiency. On these circumstances, the use of Graphene, Multi-Junction Cells and Quantum Dot Cells will be helpful to increase the rate of recent research flow. This paper visualizes GaAs, InP, CdTe and Graphene implementations on four proposed basic models, which have showed a positive impact to overcome the losses and SQ limits. These models also postulate the maximization of the solar cell efficiency, omitting the corresponding losses along with maintaining the inter-junction relation suitably.
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